2023 Conference Festival Streaming

The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada is extending an open invitation to anyone who believes in the power of congregational song to view four lively hymn festivals that will be available live on YouTube during this year’s Annual Conference. These four singing events will be held on four successive evenings beginning at 7:30 p.m. ET. Please join us and spread the word to your colleagues, church members, and friends!

All four of these singing events can be accessed on the Society’s YouTube channel, either live as a real-time event or later as a recording:

These hymn festivals are part of The Hymn Society’s Annual Conference, “Land, Language, and Liberation,” that is being held at McGill University. This year’s gathering has a uniquely Canadian focus, including plenary addresses, workshop presentations, and singing events related to the conference theme. For more information, visit www.thehymnsociety.org.