


Break Into Song

A series of free, “how-to” videos to give church leaders the confidence to teach new songs and integrate them creatively in worship. Created and Produced by Hymn Society member Hilary Seraph Donaldson,...

Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology

Introduction The Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology is the public launch of the ‘impossible task’ – the replacement for the Dictionary of Hymnology produced by John Julian in 1892, with a supplement in 1907....

Dictionary of North American Hymnology

A major research project of The Hymn Society, the Dictionary of North American Hymnology was begun in 1956. Its goal is to index all hymnals published in North America;...

Emerging Scholars Forum

Call for Papers on Congregational Song The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada invites current graduate students and those who have graduated within the past three years...

Environmental Justice

Here is a short (not comprehensive) list of resources to find hymns and songs concerning creation, creation-care, ecological justice, and more.       Calvin Institute of Christian Worship...

Erik Routley’s “Christian Hymns”

Christian Hymns has been digitized from the original master tapes and is available, free, for all to enjoy. This resource is a series of informal recordings of Erik Routley...

Faith, Hymns, and Poetry by Timothy Dudley-Smith

A paper by Fellow of The Hymn Society and hymn-text writer Timothy Dudley-Smith entitled “Faith, Hymns, and Poetry.” The paper is an expansion of his lecture to the Society in Swanwick...

George Black Scholarships

George Black Membership Scholarship The membership scholarship provides a one-year membership in The Hymn Society at the student level for a number of candidates. The number of scholarships is...

History of Hymns Articles

This site, published by the Discipleship Ministries of the United Methodist Church, includes a wealth of resources for music and hymn planning, including lectionary hymns, worship planning resources, liturgies,...

Hope Publishing Hymns

The Hope Publishing Online Hymnody search contains over 3500 hymns and texts indexed and searchable in several ways. This resource indexes many contemporary hymns by writers such as Brian...

Hymn Society Hymns

This page includes hymns and songs that The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada hold the copyright for and are willing to share free of charge for...