*Bold text pertains to The Hymn Society*
- Gospel Pearls
- Ninde, The Story of the American Hymn
- Pratt, The Music of the Pilgrims
The Hymn Society founded; first meeting January 19
First search, for a tune to set Farrington, “I know not how that Bethlehem’s Babe”
- Chisholm, “Great is thy faithfulness”; Runyan, FAITHFULNESS
- Baptist Standard Hymnal
- Reeves, The Hymn as Literature
First public meeting, March 31, Chantry of Grace Episcopal Church; 75 present
Louis F. Benson, Henry Burton, and Frank Mason North named first Honorary Members
THS begins distribution of a Bulletin prepared by Perkins
Founder Augustus S. Newman donates his library
- Johnson, Johnson, and Brown, The Book of American Negro Spirituals
- New Baptist Hymnal
Katharine Lee Bates and John Finley Williamson named Honorary Members
THS petitions Congress to make “O beautiful for spacious skies” the national hymn
Henry van Dyke named Honorary Member
THS searches for “a hymn expressing the missionary enterprise of today”; the winning hymn is Tweedy, “Eternal God, whose power upholds”
*Bold text pertains to The Hymn Society*
- Fosdick, “God of grace and God of glory”
- The Hymnary of the United Church of Canada
- Ryden, The Story of Our Hymns
Papers of The Hymn Society I, Benson, “The Hymns of John Bunyan”
- “The Star-Spangled Banner” becomes the national anthem of the United States
- Dorsey, “Precious Lord, take my hand”
- The Hymnal
THS holds meeting at Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago
- Psalter Hymnal
- The Methodist Hymnal
The Hymn Society of Philadelphia founded
- Hymns of Universal Praise
- Covert and Laufer, Handbook to The Hymnal
The Hymn Society of Great Britain and Ireland founded
THS formally named The Hymn Society of America
The Diapason begins a regular column supplied by THS, which has designated the periodical as its “official organ”
- The New Church Hymnal
- HSGBI issues first Bulletin
British and American hymn societies begin communication about a supplement, or successor, to Julian’s Dictionary
- The Book of Common Praise (Revised 1938)
THS incorporated
*Bold text pertains to The Hymn Society*
- Broadman Hymnal
- Foote, Three Centuries of American Hymnody
- Christian Worship: A Hymnal
- The Church Hymnal [Seventh-day Adventists]
- The Hymnal [Evangelical and Reformed]
- The Lutheran Hymnal
Founder Emily S. Perkins dies
- Polack, The Handbook to The Lutheran Hymnal
William Walker Rockwell named first Fellow
Reginald L. McAll named first Executive Secretary
- The Hymnal 1940
Harry T. Burleigh named Fellow
Clarence Dickinson and Helen Dickinson named Fellows
- World Council of Churches founded
Deane Edwards begins 21-year service as President
- Choristers Guild founded
- [Ellinwood], The Hymnal 1940 Companion (revised in 1951 and 1956)
- Hostetler, Handbook to The Mennonite Hymnary
The Hymn begins publication
Office established in United Charities Building, 297 Fourth Avenue North, New York City
*Bold text pertains to The Hymn Society*
- National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America founded
- Bailey, The Gospel in Hymns
First general meeting outside New York held in Cleveland with MTNA, enabled by Ohio Chapter
Chapter forms at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
McAll visits HSGBI to discuss resumption of work on Julian replacement
- Hauessler, The Story of Our Hymns
Chapter forms in Los Angeles
Three-day meeting, May 18-20, celebrates Society’s 30th anniversary
Harkness, “Hope of the world! thou Christ of great compassion”
Office moves to National Arts Club building,119 East 19th Street, New York City
- The Hymnbook [Presbyterian and Reformed]
- People’s Hymnal
14 new and developing chapters
Leonard Ellinwood succeeds Henry Wilder Foote as Chairman of THS committee on replacement for Julian’s Dictionary
- Baptist Hymnal
HSGBI approves concept of American dictionary of hymnology
- Worship and Service Hymnal
- McCutchan, Hymn Tune Names
- Pilgrim Hymnal
- Service Book and Hymnal
- American Choral Directors Association founded
- Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Hymnologie / International Society for Hymnological Studies established
Caroline Bird Parker is the last of Founders to die
Members in all 50 states, in all but 1 Canadian province, and in 24 other countries
*Bold text pertains to The Hymn Society*
- Sydnor, The Hymn and Congregational Singing
Office moves to The Interchurch Center, 475 Riverside Drive, NYC
THS “has published exactly 100 hymns”
- International Hymnological Conference
First annual meeting outside New York in Philadelphia, celebrating chapter’s 10th anniversary
Georgia chapter organizes
Three-day meeting, May 4-6, celebrates 40th anniversary of founding
Reid, Sing with Spirit and Understanding: The Story of the Hymn Society of America
- East Asian Christian Conference Hymnal
- Reynolds, A Survey of Christian Hymnody (later editions with Price and Music)
- People’s Mass Book
- Reynolds, Hymns of Our Faith
- Kaan, “For the healing of the nations”
- Lovelace, The Anatomy of Hymnody
- The Methodist Hymnal [titled The Book of Hymns in 1970]
- Scholtes, “We are one in the Spirit”
- Cymdeithas Emynau Cymru (Welsh Hymn Society) founded
New Orleans chapter forms
- Vajda, “Now the silence now the peace,”
- Schalk, Waters, “Herald, sound the note of judgment”
- Wren, “Christ is alive! Let Christians sing”
- Consultation on Ecumenical Hymnody launched
Louisville chapter forms
- The Mennonite Hymnal
*Bold text pertains to The Hymn Society*
- Douroux, “Give me a clean heart”
- Hymnbook for Christian Worship
- Fishel, “Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks,” ALLELUIA NO. 1
- Lafferty, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God”
- The Hymn Book [Canadian Anglican and United Church]
- Worship (2nd edition, 1975)
Two-day annual meeting in Washington, May 7-8; 75 attend
- The Worshipbook
- Cone, The Spirituals and the Blues
Reid, Continuing Sing with Spirit and Understanding: The Story of the Hymn Society of America, 1962-1972
Contests and searches have produced more than 225 hymns
- Hopson, MERLE’S TUNE
- The Hymnal of the Baptist Federation of Canada
- Christian Conference of Asia Hymnal
- The Hymnal of the United Church of Christ
- Baptist Hymnal
Ohio Chapter hosts National Festival, Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio
Ralph Mortensen and Jan Bender named Fellows; “There are now eleven living Fellows of the Hymn Society of America.”
THS reorganizes
W. Thomas Smith named first Executive Director
Office moves to Wittenberg University, Springfield, Ohio
- Australian Hymn Book
- Ecumenical Praise
- The New National Baptist Hymnal
- Consultation on Ecumenical Hymnody recommends 227 hymns for ecumenical use
The Stanza first published in February
Music: The AGO and RCCO Magazine (later, The American Organist ) begins inclusion of a column provided by THS
- Lutheran Book of Worship
- Routley, An English-Speaking Hymnal Guide
- Routley, A Panorama of Christian Hymnody
*Bold text pertains to The Hymn Society*
- Eskew and McElrath, Sing with Understanding
Hope Publishing Company becomes copyright administrator for THS
Gracia Grindal and Alice Parker lead first Hymn Writing Workshop
- Routley, The Music of Christian Hymns
- Songs of Zion
- Lift Every Voice and Sing (second volume, 1993)
- Stulken, Hymnal Companion to The Lutheran Book of Worship
First joint conference with The Hymn Society of Great Britain and Ireland and the Internationle Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Hymnologie in Oxford, England
First tour, to joint conference in Oxford
- Hymns for Today’s Church (2nd edition, 1987)
- Lutheran Worship
- The New National Baptist Hymnal
- Yes, Lord!
Van Burklalow, “60 Years of the Hymn Society of America: 1922-1982,” The Hymn, January
- Hymns from the Four Winds
- Sydnor, Hymns: A Congregational Study
Dictionary of American Hymnology: First Line Index
Bibliography of American Hymnals
Annual conference held jointly with Experience
- A. M. E. C. Bicentennial Hymnal
- Crawford, The Core Repertory of Early American Psalmody
- Schilling, The Faith We Sing
Office moves to Texas Christian University, Fort Worth
Dictionary of American Hymnology Project materials move to Oberlin, Ohio
- The Hymnal 1982
THS hosts the HSGBI and IAH for a joint conference at Moravian College, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
- The Hymnal for Worship and Celebration
- Worship (3rd edition)
Book service begins
First students on scholarship attend annual conference
- Lead Me, Guide Me (2nd edition, 2012)
- Psalter Hymnal
- Songs for a Gospel People
- Wild Goose Songs 1 (later titled Heaven Shall Not Wait)
- Lovelace, Hymn Notes for Church Bulletins
- Gather
- Sing Alleluia
- Christian Copyright Licensing International begins operation
- Flor y Canto (2nd edition, 2001; 3rd edition, 2011)
- El Pueblo de Dios Canta
- Songs of Rejoicing
- The United Methodist Hymnal
The Hymn Society of America becomes The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada
John Ferguson coordinates first workshop in hymn playing and improvisation
*Bold text pertains to The Hymn Society*
- International Songbook
- The Presbyterian Hymnal
- The Worshiping Church
- Glover, The Hymnal 1982 Companion
Emily R. Brink becomes the first female President of The Hymn Society
- The Baptist Hymnal
- Hymnal Supplement 1991
- Libro de Liturgia y Cantico
- Songs and Prayers from Taizé
Acoustics for Liturgy; A Collection of Articles of The Hymn Society in the U.S. and Canada
The Hymn Society provides a toll-free number: 1-800-THE-HYMN
Joint conference in Louvain, Belgium
- Hymnal: A Worship Book
- Voices
- Adams, Handbook to The Baptist Hymnal
- Precht, Lutheran Worship Hymnal Companion
- Spencer, Black Hymnody
Holding in Trust: Hymns of The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada
George R. Black becomes the first Canadian President of The Hymn Society
- Zschech, “Shout to the Lord”
- Costen, African-American Christian Worship
- McKim, The Presbyterian Hymnal Companion
- Young, Companion to The United Methodist Hymnal
Joint conference with the Canadian Liturgical Society
- Catholic Book of Worship III
- New Songs of Rejoicing
Amazing Grace: Hymn Texts for Devotional Use
- Chalice Hymnal
- Global Songs–Local Voices
- Moravian Book of Worship
- The New Century Hymnal
- Boyer, How Sweet the Sound
Joint conference with Choristers Guild
- The A. M. E. Zion Bicentennial Hymnal
- Global Praise 1 (2 in 2000; 3 in 2004)
- Mil Voces para Celebrar
- Thuma Mina
- Voices United
- Cyber Hymnal founded
- The Book of Psalms
Mitchell-Wallace, The Art and Craft of Playing Hymns, released on VHS
Hugh T. McElrath Fund for Hymnological Research established
W. Thomas Smith retires and Carl P. Daw, Jr., named Executive Director
Office moves to Boston University School of Theology
- The Book of Praise
- Unisono
- Wonder, Love, and Praise
- Watson, The English Hymn
McKellar, “A History of The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada, 1922-1997,” The Hymn, July 1997
Joint conference in York
- Africa Praise Songbook
- Common Ground
- Common Praise [Canadian Anglican]
- El Himnario
- Sing Justice! Do Justice!
- Brink and Polman, Psalter Hymn Handbook
- Forman, The New Century Hymnal Companion
- Temperly and others, The Hymn Tune Index
- Wasson, Hymntune Index and Related Hymn Materials
- This Far by Faith
- Together in Song
Website established
Annual Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, focuses on global hymnody
Patrick Matsikenyiri and Pablo Sosa named Honorary Members
*Bold text pertains to The Hymn Society*
- The Faith We Sing
- Sound the Bamboo
- Bell, The Singing Thing
- Wren, Praying Twice
- Getty and Townend, “In Christ alone”
- African-American Heritage Hymnal
- Hymns for the Gospels
- Worship and Rejoice
- Music, Christian Hymnody in Twentieth-Century Britain and America
- Temperly and others, The Hymn Tune Index online
- Hymn Society in Japan founded
Songs of Remembrance
- Hawn, Gather into One: Praying and Singing Globally
- Schneider, Hymnal Collections of North America
- Watson, An Annotated Anthology of Hymns
Dictionary of North American Hymnology released on CD-ROM
THS hosts international conference in Halifax
George Black Memorial Scholarship established
- Costen, The Music of African-American Worship
- Frank, Companion to the Moravian Book of Worship
- Routley-Cutts, An English-Speaking Hymnal Guide
- Routley-Richardson, A Panorama of Christian Hymnody
- Westermeyer, Let the People Sing: Hymn Tunes in Perspective
- Evangelical Lutheran Worship
- Hymns of Universal Praise
- Lutheran Service Book
- Kimbrough, ed., Music and Mission: Toward a Theology and Practice of Global Song
- Hymns for a Pilgrim People
- Zion Still Sings
- Ruff, Sacred Music and Liturgical Reform
- Hymnary.org begins
- Baptist Hymnal
- Music and Richardson, I Will Sing the Wondrous Story
- Hsieh, A History of Chinese Christian Hymnody
Dictionary of North American Hymnology merged with hymnary.org
Carl P. Daw, Jr., retires as Executive Director
Deborah Carlton Loftis named Executive Director
Office moves to Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond
IAH hosts international conference in Opole, Poland
*Bold text pertains to The Hymn Society*
- The Roman Missal revised
- Celebrating Grace Hymnal
- Steel and Hulan, Makers of the Sacred Harp
- Westermeyer, Hymnal Companion to Evangelical Lutheran Worship
- Total Praise
- Worship (4th edition)
- Loh, Hymnal Companion to Sound the Bamboo
- Psalms for All Seasons
- Community of Christ Sings
- Glory to God
- Lift up Your Hearts
- Oramos Cantando / We Pray in Song
- Hawn, ed., New Songs of Celebration Render
- Watson and others, Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology
- One in Faith
- Budwey, Sing of Mary
“Lifting Hearts, Joining Hands, Raising Voices” campaign to increase endowment begins
- Gray, Hermeneutics of Hymnody
Brian Hehn named Director of the Center for Congregational Song; Executive Director becomes part-time to enable enlargement of staff
Hymns in Time of Crisis published online
- Ritual Song (second edition)
- Daw, Glory to God: A Companion
- Guenther, In Their Own Words: Slave Life and the Power of Spirituals
- Kubicki, The Song of the Singing Assembly
Singing Welcome
Deborah Carlton Loftis retired as Executive Director
Jan Kraybill named Executive Director
Center for Congregational Song launched in Dallas
- One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism
- Ingalls, Singing the Congregation: How Contemporary Worship Music Forms
- Evangelical Community
- Phillips, The Hymnal: A Reading History
Jan Kraybill resigns as Executive Director
J. Michael McMahon named Executive Director
- Santo, Santo, Santo / Holy, Holy, Holy
- Herl and others, Lutheran Service Book: Companion to the Hymns
- Lamport and others, Hymns and Hymnody: Historical and Theological Introductions
*Bold text pertains to The Hymn Society*
- World Health Organization declares COVID-19 a pandemic
- Voices Together
Songs for the Holy Other
Annual conference held virtually
- Ruth and Lim, A History of Contemporary Praise and Worship
Annual conference held virtually