In most years the Executive Committee (EC) of The Hymn Society (THS) honors one or more leaders in our field by naming them Fellows of The Hymn Society. Persons who have been designated as Fellows include authors of hymns, composers of hymn tunes, editors of hymn books, scholars, and recognized contributors to the field of congregational song who have demonstrated service to THS.
Any current member of THS may nominate someone to be named a Fellow by using the form below. Nominees must meet at least three of the following criteria:
• A lifetime devoted to the song of the congregation, whether through the academy, the church, or in the wider ecumenical world; whether in scholarship, the practice of song leadership, or the craft of writing texts and/or tunes
• Evidence of the person’s work in published resources
• Evidence of the person’s work in the community in which they live and work (i.e., evidence of the fruitfulness of the person’s work in a particular community of worship and song)
• Evidence of the person’s positive impact on the song of the congregation in a particular denomination or in the wider ecumenical community
• Dedication to the work of THS, as evidenced in scholarship contributed to The Hymn, in attendance and leadership at the summer conference, and in being a goodwill ambassador for THS in ways large and small
Nominations must be received by September 30 to be considered at the fall meeting of the EC. The selection process is carried out in strict confidence, and only a few are generally honored during any given year.
Fellow Nomination Form
Nomination for EC Consideration for Naming of a Fellow