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Singing Welcome FINAL 7-11-17 reduced size
For nearly 100 years, the work of The Hymn Society has included the promotion and creation of new hymns that respond to contemporary issues, inviting Christian communities to respond in worship through song. The current concerns surrounding refugees and immigrants has stimulated many expressions in song, and we are grateful to the authors, composers, and publishers who submitted hymns and songs for consideration for this collection. More than 200 submissions were received and reviewed, from which we have selected forty-six for this collection.
The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada offers this resource for use by churches and individuals. The publishers, authors, and composers have graciously granted permission for use of any of the hymns in this collection at no royalty cost for a period of two months. Beyond two months of usage, copyright permission must be obtained. If your church is a member of One License or CCLI, you are encouraged to report your usage there as you would customarily do. At the end of this collection you can find copyright information.
We pray that this resource will encourage and deepen your congregation’s commitment to love neighbor as self, and to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.
Ben Brody
David Bjorlin
Hilary Seraph Donaldson
Delores Dufner, OSB, FHS
Paul A. Richardson, FHS
Eric Sarwar