Carl P. Daw Jr., FHS, has been creating hymn texts for more than forty years. His hymns have appeared in numerous English-language hymnals around the world and have been translated into Spanish, Dutch, German, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. Hope Publishing Company has published them in five collections: A Year of Grace: Hymns for the Church Year (1990), To Sing God’s Praise: 18 Metrical Canticles (1992), New Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs (1996), Gathered for Worship: Fifty New Psalms and Hymns (2006), and Prayer Rising into Song: Fifty New and Revised Hymns (2016). They have also published his complete metrical version of the Psalms in three volumes: Praise, Lament, and Prayer: A Psalter for Singing (2018-2022). During the 1990s he organized and led a series of summer hymnwriting conferences for The Hymn Society, usually held at St. Olaf College. From 1996 to 2009 he served as the Executive Director of The Hymn Society. Over a span of twenty-three years he taught hymnology courses at Boston University School of Theology and Yale Divinity School/Institute of Sacred Music and has published hymnological research and commentary in The Hymnal 1982 Companion, The Hymn, Glory to God: A Companion, and other journals and Festschrifts. Most recently he has collaborated with Thomas Pavlechko on a revised and enlarged second edition of their Liturgical Music for the Revised Common Lectionary, Years A, B, and C (Church Publishing, 2022-2024). As an Episcopal priest he has served parishes in Virginia, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania, and he taught for eight years in the English Department of the College of William and Mary before entering seminary.