*Bold text pertains to The Hymn Society*
- The Faith We Sing
- Sound the Bamboo
- Bell, The Singing Thing
- Wren, Praying Twice
- Getty and Townend, “In Christ alone”
- African-American Heritage Hymnal
- Hymns for the Gospels
- Worship and Rejoice
- Music, Christian Hymnody in Twentieth-Century Britain and America
- Temperly and others, The Hymn Tune Index online
- Hymn Society in Japan founded
Songs of Remembrance
- Hawn, Gather into One: Praying and Singing Globally
- Schneider, Hymnal Collections of North America
- Watson, An Annotated Anthology of Hymns
Dictionary of North American Hymnology released on CD-ROM
THS hosts international conference in Halifax
George Black Memorial Scholarship established
- Costen, The Music of African-American Worship
- Frank, Companion to the Moravian Book of Worship
- Routley-Cutts, An English-Speaking Hymnal Guide
- Routley-Richardson, A Panorama of Christian Hymnody
- Westermeyer, Let the People Sing: Hymn Tunes in Perspective
- Evangelical Lutheran Worship
- Hymns of Universal Praise
- Lutheran Service Book
- Kimbrough, ed., Music and Mission: Toward a Theology and Practice of Global Song
- Hymns for a Pilgrim People
- Zion Still Sings
- Ruff, Sacred Music and Liturgical Reform
- Hymnary.org begins
- Baptist Hymnal
- Music and Richardson, I Will Sing the Wondrous Story
- Hsieh, A History of Chinese Christian Hymnody
Dictionary of North American Hymnology merged with hymnary.org
Carl P. Daw, Jr., retires as Executive Director
Deborah Carlton Loftis named Executive Director
Office moves to Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond
IAH hosts international conference in Opole, Poland