BIRTH PANGS – Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost—Proper 28, Year B; Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B (RC)

November 14, 2021 Revised Common Lectionary 1 Samuel 1:4-20 or Daniel 12:1-3 1 Samuel 2:10 or Psalm 16 Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18) 19-25 Mark 13:1-8 Lectionary for Mass (RC) Daniel...

GIVING – Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost—Proper 27, Year B; Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B (RC)

November 7, 2021 Revised Common Lectionary Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17 or 1 Kings 17:8-16 Psalm 127 or Psalm 146 Hebrews 9:24-28 Mark 12:38-44   Lectionary for Mass (RC) 1 Kings...

CENTERED IN LOVE – Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost—Proper 26, Year B; Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B (RC)

October 31, 2021 Revised Common Lectionary Ruth 1:1-18 or Deuteronomy 6:1-9 Psalm 146 or Psalm 119:1-8 Hebrews 9:11-14 Mark 12:28-34 Lectionary for Mass (RC) Deuteronomy 6:2-6 Psalm 18:2-3, 3-4,...

SEEING CLEARLY – Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost—Proper 25, Year B; Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B (RC)

October 24, 2021 Revised Common Lectionary Job 42:1-6, 10-17 or Jeremiah 31:7-9 Psalm 34:1-8 (19-22) or Psalm 126 Hebrews 7:23-28 Mark 10:46-52 Lectionary for Mass (RC) Jeremiah 31:7-9 Psalm...

SERVICE – Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost—Proper 24, Year B; Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B (RC)

October 17, 2021 Revised Common Lectionary Job 38:1-7 (34-41) or Isaiah 53:4-12 Psalm 104:1-9, 24 35b or Psalm 91:9-16 Hebrews 5:-1-10 Mark 10:35-45 Lectionary for Mass (RC) Isaiah 53:10-11...

WORDS THAT CUT – Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost—Proper 23, Year B; Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B (RC)

October 10, 2021 Revised Common Lectionary Job 23:1-9, 16-17 or Amos 5:6-7, 10-15 Psalm 22:1-15 or Psalm 90:12-17 Hebrews 4:12-16 Mark 10:17-31 Lectionary for Mass (RC) Wisdom 7:7-11 Psalm...

MARRIAGE AND DISCIPLESHIP – Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost—Proper 22, Year B; Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B (RC)

October 3, 2021 Revised Common Lectionary Job 1:1; 2:1-10 or Genesis 2:18-24 Psalm 26 or Psalm 8 Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12 Mark 10:2-16 Lectionary for Mass (RC) Genesis 2:18-24 Psalm...

AGAINST US OR FOR US? – Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost—Proper 21, Year B; Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B (RC)

September 26, 2021 Revised Common Lectionary Esther 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22 or Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29 Psalm 124 or Psalm 19:7-14 James 5:13-20 Mark 9:38-50     Lectionary for Mass...

SILENCE – Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost—Proper 20, Year B; Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B (RC)

September 19, 2021 Revised Common Lectionary Proverbs 31:10-31 or Jeremiah 11:18-20 Psalm 1 or Psalm 54 James 3:13 – 4:3, 7-8a Mark 9:30-37 Lectionary for Mass (RC) Wisdom 2:12,...

LOSING ONE’S LIFE – Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost—Proper 19, Year B; Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B (RC)

September 12, 2021 Revised Common Lectionary Proverbs 1:20-33 or Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 19 or Psalm 116:1-9 James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38     Lectionary for Mass (RC) Isaiah 50:5-9a Psalm...